Happy Birthday Peter Gabriel!

Posted: February 13, 2015 in Opinions and Observations
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Today as I was driving to work I heard on the radio that my musical mentor turned 65 years old today.  I can remember exactly where I was when I heard my first song by Genesis.  I was in the shower and could not believe what I was hearing on the radio.  It was unlike anything that I was familiar with and I had been a musical sponge for years!  New sounds, a driving intricate beat, lyrics that never once mentioned boy meets girl, boy loves girls, girl leaves boy or other popular themes. I was stunned and delighted.  I got out of the shower and listened to the rest of the song.  Immediately I called my best friend and he had been listening as well.  We were both truly jazzed.  Over the years I have studied and enjoyed not just the music but the recordings and the style.  I have followed Peter Gabriel ever since.  A great musician, talented performer and powerful voice and above all that, he is what I affectionately call a decent human being.

If you are not familiar with his work, I encourage you to take some time out of your busy day and on his birthday, celebrate his accomplishments. I can offer suggestions in a future post and review, but I guarantee it will be time well spent.

  1. Tom Robinson says:

    I enjoy Peter Gabriel much.


  2. Tom Robinson says:

    I love this guy, but he is only temporary.


  3. Herman says:

    Peter Gabriel is one of my all time favourite musicians. His live shows are always so amazing.

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