Forgetting Your Name

Posted: October 8, 2015 in Opinions and Observations
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I have pointed out on more than one occasion that I have a difficulty remembering names and dates.  This took its toll in my History grades for sure, but also had dramatic effects growing up and through adulthood.  For this I do not apologize other than try to work on ways to reduce that block.  I also acknowledge it and inform others that it is not intentional.  In two minutes I will forget your name.  It is nothing personal.  If I had a pen and paper I would write it down and if I can discretely enter in my cell phone I do.  If not, your name is gone.  I will remember your voice and the conversation.  I might be able to remember your face, but that is not guaranteed either.

Fellow bloggers’ names I will trigger more by the Picture/logo/Avatar and tag-line than the personal name.  From time to time I will post songs and lyrics from members of the center core I mentioned earlier.  I will feature other artists I have worked with as well. For many, I simply do not know the names of the many band members I have recorded or worked with.  I hope they will contact me so I can give them credit for all their works and talent.

To that point I do not overlook or diminish the writing partnerships I have had.  In the early years we did not think of copyrights or co-authorship.  We never discussed mechanical licensing or royalties.  Digital rights weren’t even a dream in the Product Development plans.  Pay-per-Click (PPC) wasn’t until years in the future.  Yet, here we are.

I feel I need to mention that my brother C David Kennedy has been referred to in a number of my posts while relaying the earlier years of poetry and song writing.  He is especially proud of his involvement in a few songs I have previously posted; “Red on Your Blue Suede Shoes”(c), “Quiet Nights”(c), “The Pleasure Tax”(c) and “Miracles in Your Hand”©.

  1. You are so right on this. I used to remember names a lot.
    Not until we have handphones and starting to save all numbers and names automatically that I cannot remember much like in the old times.
    But here, I remember people by their Avatar, that is true, yes.
    You are not the only one, Mike! 😛

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  2. I would rather someone forget my name than get it wrong. I hate being called Melissa.

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  3. Nadine says:

    I suffer from the same problem, I forgot people faces and names all the time, sometimes it can be bit embarrassing 😀

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  4. tmezpoetry says:

    Mike, having adhd is like having TBI with memory issues so I get it. It is frustrating.

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  5. David Kennedy says:

    Thanks, Mike I’ve written a lot of songs, but I always treasured the songs we wrote together. I always enjoyed when you had a tune like Quiet Nights and wanted some help with the lyrics!! Made me feel like a real song write.

    Liked by 1 person

    • midimike says:

      You were always a real song writer, though you leaned more toward poetry and grace instead of hook and repetition. I will post some of your lyrics in the near future so others can see what I mean. You are always welcome.


  6. rubiredsaid says:

    Mike, I have to put my hands up and say, this happens to me, forgetfulness!
    I tend to remember a face, but have hell recalling the name, or I know we have met but can’t place where. I generally laugh at myself too!
    I hope you are fine, and thanks for your visit as always!
    I did my best to broach topics that people don’t mention enough about. Or it is mentioned in unpleasant circumstances i.e; someone dying from such an affliction, which does not have to be so!

    Liked by 1 person

    • midimike says:

      I am not sure it is good to know I am not alone! I have the same problem recognizing people. I have met so many over the years. I am doing well. I have been busy and doing some recording for a friend and working on my own projects. Thank you as always for checking on me. You do a great job. It is not always easy to point out things that are not obvious to others at the time of crisis.

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  7. Temy Hoang says:

    Is that why you don’t call my name when leaving your comments? j/k 🙂

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  8. It would’ve caused a great amount of problems for you, right? Names are important, Mike 🙂

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  9. tracihalpin says:

    Hey Mike…that must be hard and frustrating at times. I appreciate your honesty and sharing your struggle. I can forget names right after being introduced sometimes, but now I’m not afraid to ask their name again. I figure it’s better than hanging out with someone and not feeling connected to them. Good idea to put in phone. Thanks again for being honest😊

    Liked by 2 people

    • midimike says:

      It is. I have been in Sales and Customer Service for years. You would think it was a requirement to be able to know someone’s name! As Customer Service Manager, I would tell people if I remember a specific customer’s name…. it is not a good sign LOL. I would ask, but it would be lost again. I just tell them I am bad at this and forgot your name but the last time I saw you …… Even if I write it down or ‘pair with their face’, I still would not be able to remember the name. Searching for names is easy. Searching pictures for a face is glacial.

      Liked by 2 people

      • tracihalpin says:

        Customer service can be tough, and I guess if you did remember a name it was bc they were a pain in your ass! Oh well at least you’re honest and tell people you’re not good at that. You can’t be good at everything;
        I have a question about my guitar lessons. My teacher is insisting that I keep my thumb down and between the first two frets, and I only move my other fingers but keep the thumb still. She said that was first position. I told her I see guitar players with their thumb over the neck. I keep wanting to move my thumb or turn it. What’s your thoughts on this?

        Liked by 2 people

      • midimike says:

        Yes, indeed! I try to be at least average. Your instructor is giving you the classic or standard method. As with typing, it MIGHT SEEM easier to hunt and peck and look at the keyboard at first, it really is faster and much easier if you learn to type using all fingers available and looking at the monitor. That said, your hands are coherent than mine. I simply don’t have the reach for that. Still some chords feel better or easier if you can rotate your wrist and thumb position. Think of your instructor’s advice as the rule, but one that can be broken as needed. Just don’t make the exception into the rule. Lol!

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      • tracihalpin says:

        Thanks that’s a good way of looking at it. I also don’t have the stretch to put first finger on first fret and 3rd finger on third fret at same time. I really like your metaphor; it helps me understand and appreciate the rule. But if I need to I will be a rule breaker but not all the time. Haha!

        Liked by 1 person

      • midimike says:

        Stretch and strength (and calluses!) come with time. The important thing is to remember the saying practice makes perfect is not right. Practicing the wrong form or positioning over and over does not make us better. perfect Practice is the key. Do it slowly, do it correctly and do not worry about speed or accuracy at first. good foundations allow for tall and strong buildings!

        Liked by 1 person

      • tracihalpin says:

        Thank you so much! That is really helpful. You are helping me to feel more accepting of the process. I will keep all your advice in mind as I practice.😊

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  10. thomas robinson says:

    You post thoughts that are hard to post. It’s probably for the benefit of ordinary/shy people who wouldn’t dare say what is on their mind. It’s difficult. And you won’t get much credit. But I like you.

    Liked by 2 people

    • midimike says:

      These are the topics I deal or dealt with. I consider myself ordinary/very shy, but I feel little risk when sharing or starting conversations in this community.
      And I agree, us teachers don’t get no respect! Thanks for thinking of me, that means a lot.
      P.S. I would be listening to Bob’s CD now if Windows 10 upgrade didn’t kill all audio. Looking forward to my drive to work!

      Liked by 1 person

  11. DeniseBalog says:

    I just say, “I’m sorry, I have forgotten your name.” People generally happy I ask again, and agree, in our growing world of people and “stuff” to remember, we can all “forget” a name or two, or three:) I bet the people who worked with you and got to have stools to sit on haven’t forgotten your name!! Mike who made it right!! Love that story!! blessings, denise

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  12. thomas robinson says:

    You have intense self-consciousness. Somehow, it’s nice. You help to illustrate how faults survive.
    Nobody is destroyed by the wrong things he does.

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  13. thomas robinson says:

    nobody is destroyed

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  14. .kirsi says:

    Same here, my strength lies in the photographical memory instead, such as written names, or people’s faces – and it sits there like glue, lol! Guess how many times I’ve been arguing with my friends that ‘I’m 100% sure that I’ve seen this person before, and it was when….’. Lol! Even maps, if I study a map very carefully I can see it in my mind afterwards and find my way with help of it. I’ve heard that I have excellent navigation skills, lol!!

    Liked by 1 person

    • midimike says:

      We all have ways of dealing with things other people take for granted. That is very handy. I have that ability with music, but lack it almost everywhere else. I can remember lyrics, chord changes and the structure of the song once I have heard it a couple times. Great to navigate well in our own little worlds!


  15. Hi midimike. I have never been able to remember. Always have to write it down. Many thanks for liking my poems Battlefield! and All Hallows Eve! Best Wishes. The Foureyed Poet.

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    • midimike says:

      Howdy! I know I am not alone in that and the reasons probably vary, but it is still difficult to struggle with. Thank you so much and you are quite welcome. Glad we keep in touch.


  16. booguloo says:

    Same here. Worse is birthdays… especially my family. I now have them in my calender… we’ll see how that works…

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  17. Shelby Stronger says:

    Some people are detail people, other people are concept people. I am very much with you in the concept camp. I need to hear a name several times before I remember it. Worse yet, I have three acquaintances who spell their name ‘Andrea’ . Two pronounce it ‘ahn-drey-uh’, the other pronounces it ‘Ann-dree-ah’. I am convinced I will die before I remember which one.

    (I’m also clearly way behind on my blog reading.)

    Liked by 1 person

    • midimike says:

      I am not a detail person for sure! I swap names all the time. I will tell my wife to meet me at one store, but I will give her the name of a different one. when she calls me from the other store I immediately know what I did wrong, but then there is only time to apologize! I will never learn by the time I die. Not a problem on playing catch-up, life happens!

      Liked by 1 person

      • Shelby Stronger says:

        I’m not quite bad enough off to name wrong stores, but I will grasp for names like ‘the one next to best buy’ or ‘the one that used to be rag shop’. I usually do ok with that much, but I definitely have scattered moments where I will grapple for a word. Or, I’ll say ‘a few’, and someone will correct me with an exact number. I always look like an idiot when I’m asked ‘how long have you been playing ukulele?’ I have no idea. ‘…an amount of time that is…several months, and which I would need to consult my blog or my order history to be specific about.’

        Liked by 1 person

      • midimike says:

        My events are not moments….. I will be asked a name and it is something I know, I will tell them to wait about ten minutes for me to pull out of “long term storage”. Sometimes I can actually think of it in ten minutes! As I have been writing articles of events a long time ago, I consider delaying the post until I can look up old archives and confirm details. After a short time looking I give up and just post the article!


      • Shelby Stronger says:

        I just find the general idea so much more important than the specifics that I rarely commit them to memory. I don’t know how I remembered birthdays before Facebook.

        My roommate, meanwhile, mocks me for not knowing the names of every actor in every movie ever made, as if that matters to my life. Why do I care? I care if the movie is good. Everything beyond that is just mental baggage, but some people really focus on that minutiae.

        Liked by 1 person

      • midimike says:

        Even with Facebook, I still can;t remember! Ha! I am also in your category; I do not want to see a movie and hear about the lives of everyone on the plane…. I just want to know who survives the crash!


      • Shelby Stronger says:

        It generally tells me a day or so before. I also program reminders in my phone. My phone alarm goes off ten minutes before shows I like. I will miss them every time without it. I still miss them sometimes, even with the alarm. That’s why I love Netflix: watch it on my own time, and I can pause and rewind as many times as necessary to get the important points.

        Liked by 1 person

      • midimike says:

        Great idea. I am Ann old guy, so over the decades I have used various systems. But as they are replaced with newer toys, I rarely have a smooth transition and end up losing info here and there LOL! 10 4 on Netflix! (CB talk for I hear you!).

        Liked by 1 person

      • Shelby Stronger says:

        I just had an iPod fiasco, so totally understand. Switching off a dedicated mp3 player nearly gave me a panic attack.

        In the process I somehow went from 100.3 gb of music to 99.7. It’s going to be ages before I figure out what’s missing.

        I’m a bit neurotic about data loss after a few major crashes though,so I do pay $5/month to a backup service for the peace of mind, and utilize a very large external drive, to keep my ever-growing collection as safe as possible.

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      • midimike says:

        My Windows 10 update over the weekend and now I have audio !!!!!! I don’t know for how long, but I tried to turn off the updates to keep it as long as I can! You are the smart one ….. back up to the back up!


      • Shelby Stronger says:

        Yeah, redundancy saves me from a nervous breakdown, really.

        Looks like the Windows 10 sound thing is a recurring problem. My upgrade went smoothly, Thank goodness. Windows 8 was turning my homicidal with it’s constant WiFi disconnects.

        Maybe this will help:

        Liked by 1 person

      • midimike says:

        Exactly! Funny, we have to go to such lengths. I understand and thank you for the link. As of another update last night, it works again, but I dread the next update!

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      • Shelby Stronger says:

        Well, the alternative is Apple, and if iTunes is any indication, we’d just be trading one devil for another!

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      • thomas robinson says:

        Jimi Hendrix titled his song “Hey Joe” partly because he forgot the dude’s name. But it worked out. Imagine if he had correctly titled the song “Hey Brent” !

        Liked by 1 person

      • midimike says:

        I had not heard that! Ha! That is funny.


  18. thomas robinson says:

    Funny things happen. Then I’m glad.

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