April Showers? April Fools!

Posted: April 1, 2021 in Photography
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Today for a brief time we got a bit of snow. So much for April Showers!

  1. Patrice says:

    Your daffodils are so far ahead of ours! Ours are just poking thru the leaves and dirt. Lovely pics:D

    Liked by 1 person

    • midimike says:

      We have been really lucky. Usually we get warm weather for a few weeks, the trees and flowers start to bloom and the BAM! Cold snap and everything dies. This year we had lots of snow and cold temperatures in the mid-west (southern Ohio for me) held for a while. Once we got warm weather everything started to open as usual. But we had a few days where it slowly got colder and colder. The freezes came overnight for 3-4 days in a row. Normally that would have killed all the blooms and even this year the magnolia trees did not make it through the last frozen evening. I guess the blooms had time to adjust or prepare and they kept blooming s l o w l y ! ! When the warm days hit again yesterday and today the flowers and blooms stood up and looked beautiful! I will have to take more pictures for you soon.


    • midimike says:

      More pictures for you. More blooms to come.


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