Everyday Scene

Posted: February 11, 2016 in My Tunes
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Start To Stop Again              (c) Michael S. Kennedy 

A worker cries when the day is done,

Wise man only cries for peace.

A lonely man cries for anyone,

I cry, but I am none of these.


My children say life is ours to hold,

Old woman says that it don’t matter.

The blameless say they do what they are told,

Broken hearts can’t live without her.


Crippled child wants life; however hard,

Hypocrites only want their share.

Starving eyes want less than we discard,

You want something that isn’t there.


Ooh, Ooh, the way it’s always been,

We stop to start again.

Don’t think you can’t help out my friend

Because we try, we control the end.


Nobody cares, if it isn’t them.

Cold voices only care by phone.

Rich people care about every gem,

Friends care when it’s one of their own.


Ooh, Ooh, the way it’s always been,

We stop to start again.

Don’t think you can’t help out my friend

Because we try, we control the end.


  1. niasunset says:

    Beautiful song, words, and your voice too…. just a little suggestion, the guitar sound comes more than your voice. Your voice is so beautiful, I enjoyed to listen to you. I loved this part, “Broken hearts can’t live without her.”… Thank you, have a nice day and weekend, dear Mike, Love, nia

    Liked by 1 person

    • midimike says:

      You have found my Achilles Heel, nia! I never considered myself to be a vocalist. For decades I called myself a songwriter rather than singer/songwriter. My intention (or dream) has always been to have someone else perform my songs. I all too often put my vocals ‘behind in the mix’ – intentionally or unintentionally – because I do not think my voice is strong or clear enough, no matter how much emotion I put behind them.
      I guess we all hate listening to our own voices but as the recording engineer, I let that influence the mix. I promise to take your advice (until I find a great vocalist!). You are wonderful and coming from you I will take your suggestion to heart. Thank you as always and I also hope you have a great evening and weekend ahead of you!
      My guess is you have broken a few hearts as well? LOL

      Liked by 2 people

  2. HA! says:

    Awesome…I like your voice! Great job

    Liked by 1 person

  3. SyedaFR says:

    Am I missing something? I can’t find any way -link or something- to hear the song!! 😱

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Mils says:

    Love the way your intonation on the word “Because” changes the meaning I originally sensed from just reading the text. It’s so important to hear a lyric sung: it’s like a screenplay taking life on celluloid.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Always one of my favorites!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Wow, I love this! Both the words and the music. Poetry to music.

    Liked by 1 person

    • midimike says:

      Thanks, I needed that! I appreciate it greatly coming from you. Your encouragement is powerful. I have a soft place in my heart for this song and I am glad you took your valuable time to comment.


  7. susan says:

    O very lovely indeed thank you ☺️

    Liked by 1 person

  8. poeturja says:

    Wonderful! Takes me back to the days…

    Liked by 1 person

    • midimike says:

      Thank you so much. As this was written years ago, it takes me back as well. My lyrics have a tendency to be gloomy at times, but I still hold on to hope for the future.


  9. A somewhat bleak view but true.

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Superb lyrics and musical accompaniment. My favorite stanza:

    “Crippled child wants life; however hard,

    Hypocrites only want their share.

    Starving eyes want less than we discard,

    You want something that isn’t there.”

    Poignantly sums part of this the world we live in.

    Liked by 1 person

    • midimike says:

      MUCH appreciated. Thank you for the great comments. When I find myself acting in ways I do not admire, I try to think of these lyrics to put myself back on track. It is often difficult for me to do as I ‘preach’. Habits learned are often hard to break.

      Liked by 1 person

  11. Azul Zaffre says:

    Another great one, Mike. Today I only want a little more, or a hell of a lot less…

    Liked by 1 person

  12. tracihalpin says:

    Really nice….I love the guitar. I could of listened to you just playing the guitar when the singing was over. Your voice is soothing. Is this one from the closet? I really loved the guitar sound; it took me out of my reality in the moment. Powerful…thanks!😊

    Liked by 1 person

    • midimike says:

      I swear someone pays you to make these comments LOL! I look forward to your thoughts, not just musical topics, but your outlook on life.
      This is an older song and I recorded this once and went on to others, and I never performed this piece live. I think I recorded this on my ancient reel-to-reel four track tape machine. The Ovation 12 string has been my main writing and performing tool for decades.
      I think that is what writing does for me; it takes me out of my reality for a bit, and allows me to focus on other things. Kind of like what the blog does now LOL.

      Liked by 1 person

      • tracihalpin says:

        I’m glad I add to your life, as you do mine. We all need distractions sometimes, especially during hard times. I wish someone paid me to make these comments! That’s great that you have your writing and guitar to transcend your reality. I get that from the blog and reading. I’m reading a book about how to comeback from a setback. Do you know why there are so many people who succeed in life? Because they never gave up. I have that spirit. When I was looking for a teaching job many years ago, I did everything possible to get a permanent job. I took notes about interviewing at barnes and noble and the library. I went to every job fair, and I got there early so I got interviews with the districts I liked. I spent a day driving around new york going to districts and handing in my resume in person. I subbed and I was an awesome sub. That’s how I got a one year position.Then I took a teaching assistant sub position, which led to my permanent position, which I no longer work at. It took a 3 to 4 years to get that job. Especially then, there were so many candidates and not enough jobs. I became an expert at interviews. I would walk into an interview with 10 people sitting at a conference table, and they each asked questions. Every time I din’t get a job, I put more effort into my strategies. I had an awesome portfolio too. And now here I am….. I’ve seen those people on tv who say they lost everything, especially the rich ones, and how it changed their life for the better. Who knows? God has a plan, I just wish he would tell me!!!

        Liked by 1 person

      • midimike says:

        Some of us are really good at networking and interviewing and expressing our opinions. But in all of these challenging environments, you have to go into it with the idea that no matter what you face, you will work to learn, improve, perfect, get faster, more focused. People that find their self-worth in the toys they accumulate seem to take it the hardest and have a difficult time recovering from a life-changing crisis. I believe neither one of us fall into that category. As a result, we see what is truly important and hold on to those as we cross the bridge someone else burned in front of us! If we had all the answers, I think life would be quite boring and ordinary, but I feel the same way at times LOL!

        Liked by 2 people

      • tracihalpin says:

        Wow..great post thanks! I agree we are not those people.

        Liked by 1 person

      • midimike says:

        I do not have a crystal ball but I call things like I see them. I am glad to be a partner in your struggle, as you have been during mine. You are so welcome and thank you for ‘being one of us, and not one of them’!!!

        Liked by 1 person

      • tracihalpin says:

        Here’s to “being one of us.”

        Liked by 1 person

  13. p. ray says:

    Hey – I will repeat what everyone else said. Great song, but bring that voice up. Very cool.

    Liked by 1 person

  14. I like the lyrics and your voice. Thanks for following my blog. I’ve found the poem I was looking for and will post it very soon

    Liked by 1 person

  15. I have written and performed a song and made an original video for it if you would like to take a look and have a listen? It may be something you’re interested in…something different I suppose… https://juniorchills.wordpress.com/2016/02/22/hoops-the-song-that-never-was/


  16. egonza2018 says:

    I had no idea blogging/wordpress could support music media. I was highly pleased in finding out otherwise, given your post. Amazing lyrics! Amazing acoustic guitar fingerstyle strumming, especially the opening guitar play, and I thought “folky,” and excuse me if I am wrong, but I thought “folky” and I loved it. Keep singing and playing, brother.

    Liked by 1 person

    • midimike says:

      Ha! We learn as we go. I really appreciate the comments and feedback. I really love playing the 12 string guitar on these songs. A friend of mine one time referred to my musical style as “Progressive Folk” and I like that a bunch. Folk is a good description. I write and play all sorts of music, but these are easily in the folk category. Thank you so much!


  17. egonza2018 says:

    Oh wow, 12-string, you don’t say? Very interesting and highly technical at least in my humble opinion. I taught and continue to teach myself standard 6-string acoustic guitar, though admittedly I have had less time to practice and learn. I like that: “Progressive Folk.” It is very fitting, indeed. You have a good friend. I am glad you were in fact going after the folk category in this piece. I look forward to hearing more. And you are welcome. I always believe give praise where praise is due. Have a great day!


    • midimike says:

      Yes. My Ovation 12 String and I have been partners for about forty years now! I just love the way it sounds and some of my songs I change to ‘open tuning’ in G and it allows the strings to ring and support each other for a gorgeous tone. A bit harder to play than the six string guitars, but the effort pays off.
      Much appreciated and thank you again for the comments and the visit!


  18. katmcdaniel says:

    Great lyrics, lovely natural voice!! Don’t turn yourself down, it’s good! That’s coming from a singer and voice teacher, Mike. Hope you are well!

    Liked by 1 person

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