I heard the other day that about 10% of people are left-handed.  This generated a few thoughts that I have been rolling around in my head.  I have been surrounded by lefties most of my adult life.  Sometimes I get confused and try to do things like a left-handed person would.  It usually does not work out very well!

Now, think about 10% of the population that most people perceive to be ‘backwards’.  In schools when I was growing up and long before, educators would try to ‘correct’ what they saw as defiant, wrong, defective, backwards (and the implied stupidity). Many teachers and nuns would crack a ruler over your knuckles if you used the ‘wrong hand’, or did not correctly follow instructions on how to do a particular task.

Unfortunately in this day of political extremism, I see many similarities.  Think of one party as left-handed and the other as right-handed.  I will let you choose which one is which for this analogy.  For many, many years the minority of left handed people were forced to conform.  This not only made them feel as if they were being unfairly punished but also made it almost impossible for them to excel and improve using their natural gifts.

When politics are split drastically, one group could dominate the other.  The traditions of the right-handers are forced onto the minority.  There is no concern or sympathy for the minority group and they will not be given the opportunity to voice their concerns let alone suggest alternative solutions.

So let’s pretend that over the last few years the number of left-handed people increased dramatically and now they are close to a majority.   The lefties are now teachers and policy makers themselves.  They encourage children to perform tasks that make use of their natural tendencies.  They pass laws giving them ‘permission’ to do what everyone else has done in the past – to be human.  They demand equal policies and fair treatment.

But the right-handers refuse to allow that to happen and believe it is their duty to fight changes every step of the way.  They see no need for change.  This does not help them at all and now they have to be ‘tolerant’ of these people.  They feel uncomfortable watching or learning from a leftie, and certainly do not want their children to become one. (OR MARRY ONE).  They twist the truth and use marketing techniques to discredit the opposition.  The Defense of Marriage Act is an example……. unnecessary as no one was attacking marriage or trying taking away any rights.  The people that were not allowed to marry needed defense against the majority.

Whether it is equal pay, marriage, educational opportunities, housing, jobs, criminal sentencing and a long list of other ‘privileges’, you cannot be a more perfect union and still deny these basic rights to minority groups.  Sure enough, one day they may be in the majority and will remember how they were treated in the past by those in power.

Left handed people are not trying to ‘convert’ you.  They are not trying to take something from you.  They are not denying or laughing at what you feel and believe.  They are not traitors or devils or the enemy.  They are human beings deserving of the same benefits in life the right handers have taken for granted.

I am a right-handed patriot and I approved this message.

  1. juliadeniro says:

    As a right-handed writer but a left-handed party member, I approve of this message. 😉

    Liked by 1 person

  2. niasunset says:

    Interesting thought. I am a rght-handed and I approve of ths message too dear Mike. There is same situation in here too. But much more complicated. Thanks and Love, nia

    Liked by 1 person

    • midimike says:

      That is the most concerning thing of all. With few exceptions these are not isolated incidents but seem to be the very nature of mankind when power becomes consolidated.


  3. tracihalpin says:

    Hey Mike! Very interesting! Let’s just say, as Bono says, I was hoodwinked, and I don’t like it one bit. On another note Johnny had a baby girl and I got a shirt made for him that says: Because I’m the dad, And I said so, That’s why. Planning to give it to him at meet and greet and I got Robby some cool socks bc he only wears socks on stage.

    I won’t ever stop going to concerts. I went to one at Jones Beach and it was awesome, but lots of changes. Next week I’m going to see U2 at Met Life and mind you I saw the Joshua Tree Tour in 1987 the first time, with my child’s father who was just a long haired bad boy at the time. There were tons of us piled into an old big car; we were sitting on laps and all of us were drinking tall cans of michelob maybe? . Sometimes I look back and think about those times and think I could have died! But it was fun!

    Hope you are well!

    Liked by 1 person

    • midimike says:

      Doing quite well. I started a job at Amazon in one of their fulfillment centers and still getting used to the 4 then-hour days! I look back on my ‘stunts’ and also wonder how I survived my youth. I will try to post more and visit blogs once I get used to the routine of working again.
      Hang in there and thanks as always!

      Liked by 1 person

      • tracihalpin says:

        Yay! So happy you got a job! I bet it’s an adjustment. What exactly do you do? I don’t know what a fulfillment center is; should I?

        Liked by 1 person

      • midimike says:

        Thank you! The fulfillment center is a fancy word for warehouse! I work in a warehouse that accepts all the product returns for the entire country – and beyond! They call it Reverse Logistics. I do a lot of things as they like to cross-train everyone. Most FC’s ship new products, so the one I work at is unique and there is always something new going on.

        Liked by 1 person

      • tracihalpin says:

        Sounds interesting!

        Liked by 1 person

      • midimike says:

        I am getting the hang of it and there is a lot to learn. Not exactly fun, but I like it there. For so many years I solved problems, told people what to do and how to do it and fixed things when they went wrong. It is nice that I don’t have to do any of those things here!

        Liked by 4 people

      • tracihalpin says:

        Learning new things can be stressful, but that’s great that you don’t have to do that stuff anymore. Before you know it you’ll be an expert!

        Liked by 1 person

      • midimike says:

        For the last 30-40 years or so (who’s counting?) I have solved problems, fixed broken systems, told people what to do, listened to people whine and complain and became an expert in politically correct ways to tell people they suck.
        Now I come in and do my job and go home! The first month was pretty stressful because I like to be good at whatever I do, and it took me a while to get the hang of things. Not an expert yet, but I can’t stop myself from analyzing and improving on standard procedures. I am a process guy, and love to make things work smarter, not harder!

        Liked by 1 person

      • tracihalpin says:

        LOL…how do you tell people they suck in a politically correct way???? It sounds like you found your place, and they are lucky to have someone so motivated like you. Wow 30-40 years of putting up with that; that’s a long time. I bet there were some cool things that happened with that job too. I miss work. I’m still waiting to see what’s going to happen. In the meantime I’m trying to enjoy my life on the good days.

        Liked by 1 person

      • midimike says:

        Ha! Ha! This is truly an art. You not only have to tell them they suck politely, but in a way that they actually get the message and change direction.
        Sometimes the best way is to make them think it is their idea or intention. Sometimes it is to be blunt about the consequences, but that they are in total control of the outcome.
        As you know with most jobs, it is not so much what you do but the people you get to work with that makes all the difference. Even in challenging environments, you can build great relationships.
        You find people you can trust and depend on. Hard working, unselfish, creative people that can laugh at the worst times! I do like to work – but never for the money or the title. Because I am such an introvert, it is friendship that keeps me motivated.
        Good strategy, keep enjoying what you have in life. Surround yourself with family, music, art. They make the good days!

        Liked by 2 people

      • tracihalpin says:

        Wow, that is an art. That first part reminds me of when I was a teacher I would ask specific questions to get the students to give the answer I wanted. Yes, it is so important to surround yourself with positive coworkers. There were teachers who gossiped in circles in the morning and I avoided them. My principal used to say she admired me because I stayed out of that. I will admit it was hard because I felt left out and curious about what was going on. One of the girls was my friend, but it was toxic so I knew she was talking about me. When I left the job I texted her goodbye and wished her well, but I told her I am no longer going to accept her behavior towards me and the toxic relationship. I told her I blocked her number and I was done, I actually did that with 2 people. My friends said you’re not losing friends; you’re gaining yourself. I love that.

        Liked by 1 person

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