Posts Tagged ‘#universe’

From my Roman Catholic upbringing I think about religion a lot. I went to Catholic schools and attended church every Sunday, school days and holidays. I was an altar boy for years when we used Latin in our responses. I do not say we spoke it…. and dreamed of being a brother or priest. My favorite saint was Saint Francis of Assisi. He was considered to be somewhat of an outsider, but that was fine by me!

I couldn’t help myself. Looking around things just didn’t add up.

God is all knowing. God is kind and honest and good.
God sees all. God created the heavens and earth.
God knows what has been and what will be.
God is kind and gentle and loving.
WE are made in his image. WE shall rule the earth.
WE are the center of the universe
The earth fixed on its pillars does not move.
The sun and stars race across the sky for our entertainment.

The bible is presented as ‘the word of God’. Why would an
All-knowing being reference geocentric views that will be
disproven in a few short millennia? Is this God’s Mighty plan?

You might deflect by saying that god works in mysterious ways. Maybe.
It could be argued that these references are simplified stories to tell his children.
But this is more than a point of view. Humans with little science and mathematics could not possibly know this to be true.

God would know if he made it. This would be one more in a long line of seemingly unbelievable tenants of faith. And when humanity achieved the technology sufficient to the task we would be affirmed in our beliefs. Instead, we see time after time the references in the bible and other teachings directly contradicting science. This is but one of many errors religious teachings present as fact.

The bible and counterparts were clearly not written by god or from his hand.

Was this the Mighty Plan?
Does't this seem a little odd?
Let me help you understand
There never was a god.


Scientists have been puzzling for years to explain observations confirmed by the Hubble telescope and other sources. Where does Dark Matter come from? What is Dark Energy? Why does the Universe continue to excel and expand rather than slow down and contract? I am no Scientist and I have no formal training in this area, but I have an idea of something that may have happened in the past that could possibly explain these mysteries. I first considered this when I was thinking about where dark energy and dark matter come from and of course what each mystery is. And not being a scientist I have no way to prove or disprove any of this and it might be easily proven or disproven by those with much more experience and training than I have.

So here is my theory or idea:

Everything we know, everything we see, everything we can experiment and everything we believe to exist, did not result from a big bang or single event. What if it did not begin with a bang but rather through an event horizon of a super black hole. The universe is much bigger than we can possibly imagine and of course may be much – much older and much more mysterious. When Matter gets squeezed through the black hole it creates dark energy and dark matter out of normal matter. They get dispersed through the emptiness of space and eventually fill the void between galaxies and universes as they are formed.Matter is funneled through the event horizon in a way that follows gravity polarization. This pattern encourages solar systems, universes, and everything in between to form collections like discs or plates rather than spheres. The enormous thrust of matter is polarized as it gets sucked into the black hole. As this was not a one-time single event matter continues to be pushed through the black hole and this requires the universe to expand.