Who Do You Love? – Influential musician/bands

Posted: June 29, 2015 in Opinions and Observations
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I am fairly new to the blogging world, but after a few months I have learned a lot. Recently, I was amazed at the response and the thoughtfulness in the lists provided by other bloggers in the community  on my Love/Hate post. Comments mentioned knowing me a little better and with so many of you posting your list I have been able to know some of you better as well. In addition to that, I thought it was actually a lot of fun. I would like to suggest another sharing of ideas. I would LOVE to have your thoughts on bands, artists and musicians that have influenced your life. I do not want to restrict this to bands per se, but to include individuals, songs, groups and bands or musicians. I will continue to post articles highlighting bands you may not be familiar with and I hope your answers will make me aware of new bands or artists out there that could be stellar, just not known to me. In fact, over the years I have depended on friends to direct me to great artists and musicians. They do my filtering for me and I get to hear or see really great performances I would never have come across on my own….. I don’t get out much LOL! If you will, please post a list of your favorite artists and maybe recommend a song from each. I am not sure about most of you, but the ‘popular’ songs and hits on a CD or album are often not the best or favorite tracks. I hope this is as much fun as the last one! All genres of music welcome.

  1. Tikeetha T says:

    Frankie Beverly’s “I Need You” is so amazing. https://youtu.be/U7uJ_zddoSs

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  2. silverscouse says:

    Peter Green: ‘Out of Reach’ – superb blues guitar. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=10qFyJARcW4

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  3. I was big into 80s metal so those bands will always be the ones that influenced me the most. I probably don’t need to recommend any of these bands, since so many already know them. I’m not too good with newer music although there are a few bands I enjoy.

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    • midimike says:

      I am familiar with a lot of metal bands as well. As an expert, maybe post a comment to give novices the two or three songs from that style every one could listen to and (easily) appreciate. I am also curious what newer bands you enjoy if you feel like sharing. Thanks for the comment.


      • Okay, fun!!! Well, off the top of my head I’d say:
        Black Sabbath: Sabbath Bloody Sabbath
        Iron Maiden: Number of the Beast
        Def Leppard: Rock of Ages
        (I’m trying to give a bit of a span within the genre).
        Newer bands would include Green Day, The Offspring, a lot of Jack White and White Stripes stuff, Avenged Sevenfold, and Queens of the Stone Age.

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      • midimike says:

        Cool project! I am familiar with all these and agree. A good mix of tunes over the years. Well done! Much appreciated!

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  4. Bioman says:

    The Screaming Blue Messiahs and the album “Gunshy” featuring – “Smash the Market”.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Nicole says:

    I love hearing music recommendations. Probably about half of what I listen to these days came from my brother and friends. There’s so many great bands and artists out there that it’s hard to choose…but I’m going to suggest some newer music. To start, Switchfoot (although they’ve been around for awhile). These guys are some of the most genuine, down-to-earth people you’ll ever meet. I think all their music is good, but the song “Hello Hurricane” comes to mind first because of what it means to me. Then there’s Jon Foreman. He has two EP projects; Seasons and The Wonderlands. Both are beautiful, but I’ve really fallen in love with The Wonderlands. I’ve been suggesting “Caroline” and “Terminal” to people. I could go on and on, but this is a long post already (Sorry! I could talk about music for hours!) so I’ll just stop there.

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    • midimike says:

      A woman after my own heart! LOL I had a similar experience letting others filter all the music and giving me new bands to check out. I agree. In many ways there are many more options than the love/hate challenge. You can only LOVE or HATE so many things! But like you said there are so many great bands and artists out there it is really hard to narrow it down in a single post. So, ….. post here any time! I will be listening to a bunch of new music and truly thank you for your suggestions.


  6. bino32 says:

    Definitely La Dispute who have a pretty unique way of interpreting their lyrics and their vocalist writes amazing lyrics. They’re very inspiring in what they do. Actually, they’re are alot of bands that influenced me, the earliest being Barclay James Harvest and Dio. La Dispute is only the most recent in a long line.

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  7. Manpreet says:

    Wow! Great question! Umm…I actually listen to Disney music.🙈 I love all their songs but some of the favourite ones are from Frozen such as ‘Let it go’ and ‘For the first time in forever’. I also love the songs in Beauty and the Beast – ‘Tales as old as time’!

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  8. Little Rants says:

    I love Ed Sheeran!

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  9. Robin Vansal says:

    Okay,this calls for a wonderful post! Well, I was in the middle of posting similar so I guess I’ll do so soon!

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  10. Oo these are fun, but I’m super curious to know who’d make it in your top 5 influential musical vices (artists/songs/composers!). Here’s a few of mine, no specific order.

    1. Kate Nash- Nicest Thing — This song helped me learn love..its sounds weird and maybe a little cliche, but the simplicity in the melody and the lyrics create the imagery of everything I used to want and everything I have in my current relationship 🙂
    2. City & Color- As Much As I Ever Could – if you get a chance to hear you, I think you’ll get how it made this list lol
    3. The Fugees- Killing Me Softly — A classic that deeply bound me into music
    4. Dave Koz’s album The Dance — I used to play saxophone because of this man. He made me fall in love with Jazz, and I’ll never forget the first time I hear his music (or Together Again- the first song I heard him play, also my favorite on the album)
    5. Staind- While they are a more moden band, they’ve always been lyrically relevant in my life.

    Liked by 1 person

    • midimike says:

      I fear my influences are like many if you look at the famous bands of the time. I will share the unusual groups I have been fortunate to discover on the unbeaten path. BTW it is really hard to make simplicity sound good!!! Nothing wrong with simple. Very good and I understand your appreciation of your list. Thank you!


  11. kimberlyqae says:

    Active Child, Bat for Lashes, The Talking Heads, The Dirty Projectors, Nick Drake… 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  12. M says:

    Yes love Ed Sheeran Passenger Micheal Jackson Juanes Amaya Montero “Quierro Ser”

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  13. DeniseBalog says:

    Yes Mike!! This is a wonderful question and sounds like fun! Now, you’ll have me thinking again…so many to chose from in different seasons in life:) I’m thinking:) blessings, denise

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  14. æon austin says:

    Just wanted to say an official thank you for being one of the first to follow my blog. It makes me feel important and helps me believe that what I have to say is meaningful and useful. I haven’t posted on your “love/hate” post yet, but the notification has been in my email inbox since you posted it several weeks ago. I’ve been incredibly busy with school, but have a respite and am headed there next.
    As far as my music interests, I am an incredibly emotional person and am influenced by those that affect my moods, which change on a day to day basis. However, I have always loved Jewel and have been moved and influenced by her poetry and music since I was a child. I also have been recently introduced to Mumford and Sons (perhaps this isn’t a new band to you, as it is to me) and am really enjoying it. Lana DelRey is more of a contemporary songwriter and poet that I have really come to love as well.

    Liked by 1 person

    • midimike says:

      You are very welcome and glad to have you in the community! I understand being affected by the emotional influences on mood. Mumford and Sons is such a powerful band I am surprised I have not heard them before. Excellent list. This is a good recommendation and I will be diving deeper into them later this evening to be sure! Can’t wait for your love/hate list now! Thank you – truly.


  15. This post is a little old now, but still just as relevant. This countdown happens annually here in Australia, but in celebration of 20 years of doing the countdown, the station compiled our votes for our favourite songs of the past 20 years. This took weeks to compile (as does every year’s votes!) but I wouldn’t change a thing – particularly when my favourite band and all time favourite song appear, as well as many other acts that have had a profound effect on my listening.

    Triple J’s 20 years of Hottest 100 countdown…what did I vote for??

    By the way, the #1 song from everyone’s votes was Wonderwall by Oasis (not on my list!)

    Liked by 1 person

    • midimike says:

      Wow! That is very cool. I knew most of them but have my work cut out with the entire list! This is a great idea and thanks for sharing this list. Australians are so cool! Thank you.


  16. Tyler says:

    Hey Mike,

    Interesting enough I just put out a post on one of my favorite artists, Jack White! I’m sure you’ve heard of him, though. A couple of my favorites from him:

    On and On (Song) – Blunderbuss (Album) – Jack White (Artist)
    Trash Tongue Talker – Blunderbuss – Jack White
    Catch Hell Blues – Icky Thump – White Stripes
    Effect and Cause – Icky Thump – White Stripes
    Instinct Blues – Get Behind Me Satan – White Stripes
    Carolina Drama – Consolers of the Lonely – The Ranconteurs

    Hope I showed ya something you haven’t heard before.


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  17. jrbjork says:

    When I was 10 years old this album came with my then music heroes. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ybzf2KWSpuk The keyboard player was Benny Andersson who later formed ABBA but it was with Hep Stars that he had his first tunes recorded.

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  18. Edysmar Diaz-Cruz says:

    soldiar on by the temper trap
    And all of Damien RIce’s music ( your can start off with his song “delicate “)

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  19. Edysmar Diaz-Cruz says:

    Oh and definitely “gloomy sunday” by Billie Holiday.
    It’s beautiful song about losing a loved one.

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  20. You should look up sufjan Stevens, he has a house indie style but it’s really easy listening I recommend his song “fourth of July”

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  21. Also Carrie and Lowell by Sufjan Stevens is really lovely

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  22. Shelby Stronger says:

    First of all, how did I not hit the follow button on your blog before now? I thought I did that ages ago!

    Secondly, I could make a list to end all lists. Lol.

    But Green Day’s “when I come around”, and “I wanna be sedated” by the Ramones would have to be on it. Possibly not my favorite song by either band, but both songs that changed the way I view music, so recommendable on that basis.

    House of Cards by Frenchy and the Punk
    74 years young by Buddy Guy
    Alone by Eli August and the Abandoned Buildings
    Evergreen by Hyde (this one has two versions, English and Japanese. Pick one, both are good. The English I can understand the lyrics, but the Japanese version feels more emotive.)

    And, I will stop there. 🙂

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    • midimike says:

      Never too late Ha! Thank you for the extra effort!. Great suggestions. I think the pact is a song or band had is important, so you are on the right track. Very good. I am familiar with most, so i have some catching up to do! thanks again.

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      • Shelby Stronger says:

        Likewise. I need to go through all the comments here later looking for things I’m not familiar with. I mostly use YouTube’s sidebar as a sort of automated reccomendation system. My social circle pretty much thrives on Broadway soundtracks and 80s hair bands. Nothing wrong with that, but it means they rarely suggest anything I’m unfamiliar with. ‘You may also like…’ has become my best friend because of that, so posts like this are a virtual candy store. 🙂

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      • midimike says:

        I have been pleasantly surprised when checking out songs I was not familiar with. I like the point about your “best friend”. LOL These candy stores are real gems to me.

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      • Shelby Stronger says:

        Yeah, I just need to find the time to go through all of these comments. I meant to tonight, but my ukulele distracted me and I never got around to it. Soon… 🙂

        When you happen to not have very many flesh and blood friends who share your love of music, most of your musical besties live on the internet – youtube’s sidebar, amazon suggestions, and, of course, wordpress blogs.

        Outside of that, most of my hidden gems come from local music festivals and concerts. Almost no one sends me music anymore. I have to go looking for it, but that’s okay – thrill of the chase. lol.

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      • midimike says:

        Distracted by ukulele! That has got to be a title of a song or band. You seem a lot younger than I am. I have slowly through the years unknowingly resisted contact with the general public. It took me a few years to realize, but if I had my way I would stay at home and play with my (musical) toys and not go out at all. I have all but accomplished that mission, I guess. There are many decent human beings out there, and I really love people and their mysteries …but I still have to force myself to get out there. Good call on the local festivals and concerts. Nothing like seeing them live. Like you – – there are gems all around!

        Liked by 1 person

      • Shelby Stronger says:

        Hah! But, it IS very distracting!
        That is the impression I get, too, though most people guess me in my 20s. I’m not THAT young. In my mid-30s, so growing up right as “alternative” was being born. I have friends of all ages, really. As long as there’s some common ground (like music), it’s pretty easy to get along.

        I do try to force myself out into the world; it’s good for the health, but my social skills are virtually non-existent, so I fly solo for most festivals. Except Blues, I can get my mom and/or aunt out of the house for the Blues. :). It’s funny, since I introduced Mom to Jonny Lang years ago, she’s been mad for the Blues, and she’d never been particularly excited about music before, so it’s fun to see her at blues festivals, or telling me about some blues club we need to go to.

        I never understood people who only show up for the headliner at concerts. Half of my collection is made up of opening acts that I’d never heard of until I saw them live. Some of my favorite bands were discovered that way.

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      • midimike says:

        LOL. That is very cool. with music I have found the same thing. We need to find the common bond, but music can bridge so many differences. I could turn up my stereo really loud at home with parents as long as i played The Moody Blues! ….. anything else I would have to turn way down! Your attitude is very healthy and mature for a 30 something! The opening acts are often the gem that gets overlooked.

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      • Shelby Stronger says:

        Well, that’s because if you don’t like the Moody Blues, you have no soul, right? 🙂

        Music was really the one common bond I had with my father growing up. There was always a middle ground between my Metallica and his Garth Brooks. lol. We listened to a lot of Matchbox 20, Lynyrd Skynrd, the Who…
        Now that he’s getting older, he’s doing the strangest thing where he’s not interested in music as much, even the stuff we used to listen to together, while I think I’m more into it than I’ve ever been. It’s making it much harder to find things to talk about. I grew up in a house full to bursting with CDs and Casettes and Vinyl, but you’d almost never know he was a music junkie to go to his house now. It really is very sad to see. He’s not even very old, but something has changed. He doesn’t seem to like music half as much as he used to.

        BTW, I’m kicking myself for not suggesting The Jane Austen Argument (see also: Tom Dickins) above. I always want to suggest them to people, and when rec threads come up I blank. “Maintain the Madness” is a favorite of mine. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m91D7qLMgGo

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      • midimike says:

        I know what you mean. I am not sure if I have any recommendations about your father’s recent lack of interest. I do not experience that. Maybe something different …. trouble hearing? Sensitive hearing? Watch documentaries of favorite groups?
        Send song suggestions any time!


      • Shelby Stronger says:

        Lol. Nah. He’s just…suddenly become sort of a stereotypical “grumpy old man”. He’s not even that old. But, in recent years his personality has changed, so there’s really not much to be done about it. I have my suspicions, but he has always been prone to dramatic personality shifts, so it’s not a surprise, just makes things a bit awkward, with him not liking anything except the history channel, and me getting even more into music than I’ve ever been (which shouldn’t even be possible. Lol)

        Don’t give me free reign like that, I can go on for AGES. Lol.

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      • midimike says:

        Hey, well, we (old guys like me, that is) do go through that ‘mid-life crisis thing’ and we feel we have already seen the highlights of our lives. That includes the birth of our children ::::: a hard act to follow, We can think there are no more thrills out there, but if there is anything that will bring them in the future it is out children. Share and involve him as much as you can in what you love. He will move beyond and embrace years ahead.
        I enjoy your thoughts and you already have free reign, my lady. Go on!


      • Shelby Stronger says:

        I thought the motorcycle he got a few years ago covered the mid life crisis. Lol. But, whatever. I actually suspect medical reasons – diabetes has forever caused sugar-related mood shifts. So, it will likely shift back on its own.

        To add to the list, then, how about Keith Beck Zigman Bird. I have no favorites yet, but at a coffee house show tonight, and he was quite good. I can also suggest A Halo Called Fred, but I mention them on my blog enough that they are not new and different.
        As a music lover, though, you should look up Rob Paravonian’s Pachelbell Rant. It will probably give you a good laugh.

        Liked by 1 person

      • midimike says:

        I should have tried the motorcycle thing, but I am sure I would have killed myself if I had done that LOL! I will check out these suggestions PDQ, (PDQ Bach, which is also a funny classical group worth a laugh!).


      • Shelby Stronger says:

        Yeah, he nearly did. Or, some crazy woman who doesn’t believe in red lights nearly did, at least.

        And, I will look them up.

        Liked by 1 person

      • midimike says:

        Ha! That is what would have happened to me! I love to drive its just all the OTHER crazy people out there I worry about.

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  23. […] is open and I still hope people continue to post their most influential artists and bands at https://midimike.com/2015/06/29/who-do-you-love-influential-musicianbands/ , I want to thank everyone for participating.  I have listened to a ton of new music.  With some I […]


  24. siobhanlupa6 says:

    New music – definitely listen to Valens, check them out on Facebook or join the group I run for them Valiants – the Valens Army.
    Also listen to Manic Street Preachers, Ashestoangels and Fearless Vampire Killers. Don’t be put off by the band names – they have some beautiful music and powerful lyrics xx

    Liked by 1 person

  25. siobhanlupa6 says:

    Definitely check out new UK rock quartet Valens. They have a Facebook page or you can join the group I run called Valiants. Brilliant music done with great passion x
    Also check out Exit Black, who are great and sound a bit Muse like.
    Other suggestions – Manic Street Preachers, Ashestoangels and Fearless Vampire Killers. Don’t be put of by the names – they all have fantastic tunes with beautiful lyrics xx

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  26. Acoustic Alchemy – Shelter Island Drive, a piece I can’t live without!! The guitar is absolutely enchanting~

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  27. Bakbakee says:

    Love this post!
    Too many influential bands/songs/albums. But here are some that have really had an impact –

    1. “Landslide”, “Dreams” by Fleetwood Mac
    2. Any thing by Guns N’ Roses (that featured the old line-up)
    3. “Ripple” by The Grateful Dead
    4. “About Today”, “England”, “Terrible Love”, “Gospel” by The National
    5. “When The Stars Go Blue”, “Wonderwall” (cover of The Oasis song), “Two”, “If I Am A Stranger”, “Desire” by Ryan Adams
    6. Grey’s Anatomy Soundtrack
    7. One Tree Hill Soundtrack

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  28. Tom says:

    Who do I love?

    Choices too many.

    grow my an island.

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  29. dougstuber says:

    After 1978 it would be Elvis Costello, Talking Heads and what Grohl does, followed by Smashing Pumpkins and a variety of Seattle including Stone Temple Pilots and Beck. Before 78 well Good lordy, what’s not to like? I miss Soul and Motown something wicked, and do not s consider Lady Gaga, Christina Aguilaera and Gwen Stefanie adequate replacements for Joni Mitchell, Janis Joplin o Joan Armatrading. Those who love Tracy Chapman but have never heard of Joan Armatrading get a lesson from me every time. I play improvisational rock, my brother ran Triangle Recording out of Seattle for decades.

    Liked by 1 person

    • midimike says:

      Oh, man! You nailed it. Great observations and it is good to hear your historical comparison – dead on! Besides…. I have a soft spot for Talking Heads and Elvis C. and Joni has always been one of my favorite singer/songwriters. Thanks for adding some great suggestions!


  30. jrobsonguitar says:

    OK, here goes. Ten bands/artists who have influenced me…

    In no particular order:

    1) Gary Moore. Favourite track “Blues For Narada” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DxJ2bEZApXE

    2) Camel. Favourite track “The Snow Goose” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YvikJtB6u0c&list=PLUgCK-B_AhqtDS-ONjZ73nSbxCYhnNLe6

    3) Be Bop Deluxe. Favourite track “Blazing Apostles” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5XO9PerSsgc

    4) Miles Davis. Favourite track “So What” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ylXk1LBvIqU

    5) Edward Elgar. Favourite piece “Nimrod – from The Enigma Variations” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NhnMd1Jl7SA

    6) Hank Marvin & The Shadows. Favourite track “Atlantis” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VycZVyApqew

    7) Derek & The Dominoes. Favourite track “Key To The Highway” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f3dW5F6GKTs

    8) Cannonball Adderley. Favourite track “The Sticks” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yf_W8k2pm-w

    9) Pink Floyd. Favourite track “Brain Damage/Eclipse” – the sublime finale to Dark Side Of The Moon https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sy8iUI_ayuo

    10) Bill Haley & The Comets. Favourite track “Rock Around The Clock”. My earliest musical memory. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ud_JZcC0tHI

    Liked by 2 people

  31. […] finally completed my response to Who Do You Love? Thank you all for your suggestions. I really enjoyed getting to know each of you a little bit […]


  32. […] you so much to everyone who participated so far in my “Who Do You Love” post.  There were some very interesting lessons as I collected and listened to the […]

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