Sharing Loss – Please Help Spread The Word!

Posted: July 11, 2015 in Opinions and Observations
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I have shared a number of experiences that have been about loss. Unfortunately, when you get older, you have more experiences watching the achievements of a life’s work and loves dissolve.  There are many types of loss and a personal friend of mine has been going through a very difficult time.  I just needed to share my experience and thoughts. Over these posts I have often mentioned working at local music stores and the benefit of knowing some awesome people. One of the friends I worked with for years and formed a great partnership “co-owning” the music store with all those years ago has had a devastating loss. As social media is …. he found out from friend’s texts and e-mails that while he was traveling, his house burnt down. His job is demanding and a lot of people depend on him to be there. He could not get home and as we all need to do from time to time; he had to rely on his friends and family (many times they are the same thing).  He is still away and has not seen his home other than on the news and through social media.

I would like to let you know that we have successfully completed the ‘search and rescue’ mission.  We got anything we could out of the building during the days of rain with holes in the roof.  It was a scramble with trusted friends.  We hauled ass and a bunch of other things.  Some musical instruments are damaged beyond use or repair and some have hope of restoration or managed to remain untouched by the whole thing!   He is a musician and like me has an insatiable love for art, music, friendship and making the world better than it would be without us in it.  This has got to be devastating.  For me, carrying out each old and precious instrument or piece of gear,  had a deep impact.  Others worked on his art and personal belongings.  I have heard their stories and all have a deep sense of loss.  No one was hurt.  Many things can be replaced.  But as the fire and then the water took their toll, a lot of his life’s work did dissolve.

We are working now on cleaning and saving as much as we can.   As my daughter Alisa, who runs my blog, practically grew up in the music store and all my friends, she has known John Van Eaton almost her entire life.  She is creating a positive use of social media and spreading the word through this and other avenues.  We will have a number of benefits to raise money and support to help him work through this until he is able to come home and the resources he will need once he returns.  I will post more info as details come in and thank you – fellow bloggers – for letting me share this with you.  The sharing allows healing.

 For more details or to contribute to his fund, see below.  MIDIMike
  1. Tom says:

    The Dayton tribe supports you.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Reblogged this on Graeme Sandford and commented:
    A musician has a time of need – support how you can, please read and lend positivity. G:)

    Liked by 1 person

  3. sonniq says:

    So sorry to hear about this.It’s one of those things we never imagine will happen to us. You do find out who your friends are, though. I also saw the picture of you on the left I didn’t see before. My, don’t we get better with age!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Souldiergirl says:

    Thank you for sharing this- it is healing and you are a light and support for you friend and for many others. You are a good soul. I pray for him and say thank you to the universe for all the blessings I believe will come to him and you too 💖💖

    Liked by 2 people

    • midimike says:

      You are always wonderful and encouraging. It is the energy that connects us as you know and what we do with that energy that ultimately fills our souls. It takes one to know one (and in knowing we are not alone….). You are one of those blessings in the world and thank you for being another one!


  5. David Kennedy says:

    I was only casually acquainted with John, mostly from your parties: my heart goes out to him.

    Liked by 1 person

    • midimike says:

      This has got to be tough. We all face challenges and unplanned changes as you are fully aware. Some are hard to prepare for and barely adequate when you do. I moaned seeing some of the damage to gear and instruments and art he had collected over the years. It is beyond describing. The important things are what count in the end.


  6. Thanks for stopping by, my condolences to your friend – I’m so thankful no one was hurt, but sympathize with the loss of his instruments and creations… how wonderful he has friends such as you and others to help him with all of this. All the best!

    Liked by 1 person

    • midimike says:

      Oh, you are quite welcome indeed. Mixed blessings but as you say it could have been worse for sure. I cannot imagine replacing something as simple as pictures, because there is no way to replace many of them. Thank you for the kind thoughts. Without friends; I would’t be alive at all! Hopefully you have support when you need it as well.


  7. Sam McLean says:

    That’s heavy, midimike. As you said at least no lives were lost, but when your passion is your life then it is greaved for like a real person. It’s great that your friend has people to support him in a time like this and good work for getting in there and saving what’s left. I’m sure he really appreciates you all chipping in for him and if I was over there then I would do what I could to help out. Best wishes from Australia

    Liked by 2 people

    • midimike says:

      I appreciate your thoughts and even from Australia they help more than you know! It hasn’t sunk in yet, but once he gets home and sees all of it think he will appreciate the effort. Good to hear from you again and thank you for the comment!


  8. How tragic! Just when you think you’ve seen it all. I can’t possibly imagine what John is going through and still not being able to come home yet. He’s very blessed to have friends like you in his life.

    Liked by 2 people

  9. DeniseBalog says:

    So sorry to read of your friends loss. To not be able to get home is sad enough. Words cannot even be put in place to say how awesome of you and his other friends for stepping up and in to help him. Rarely seen and done in these trying and loveless times. Your sharing brings “hope” to the heart who hears, there are still people who care! Thank you Mike for sharing. May your heart and family be blessed and healed through this season of time. d

    Liked by 2 people

    • midimike says:

      I appreciate your thoughts and concern. It has not sunk in for him as he is still traveling, but it will hit him hard when he sees for himself. It has been a lot of hard work and it all has to be done now to prevent further damage. We are more than happy to take care of his home in his absence. I do think this happens more than we realize. Most news reports like to focus on the bad and negative, but I truly believe there are more people out there doing great things but we will never hear about them if we do not tell the story ourselves! I know you are also one of those people that care and help rather than blame and criticize. There are more of us out there than we know! Thank you D for your comments and thoughts.


  10. RARScout says:

    Reblogged this on 2015payitforward and commented:
    We Indie Musicians and Artists support you and friend

    Liked by 1 person

  11. How devastating! I am glad that no one was injured, and will share this on my personal social media as well! Good luck to you and your friend!

    Liked by 1 person

  12. InsaneRoots says:

    Thank you for sharing this. Send warm thoughts and prayers.

    Liked by 1 person

  13. hoopiechick says:

    Thank you for sharing your words. They are indeed healing, to share, and to read.

    Liked by 1 person

    • midimike says:

      I just keep thinking it could have been my house. But it is important to know we are not alone and do not have to go through these dramatic events by ourselves. You have proven there are great people out there! Thank you.


  14. […] groups and individuals, we have helped raise money to help my friend John try to recover from the house fire that happened while he was away.  He still has not been able to get home to see the damage and to […]


  15. Thank you for being so ready to step in to help an independent musician who will now struggle. I hope that made the homecoming a bit less of an emotional burden, having the support of friends.

    Liked by 1 person

    • midimike says:

      I appreciate your thoughts and understanding! I am only one and there are limits. Fortunately when we all jump in and help where we can, it does ease the burden during the struggles we face. Thank you.


  16. John Doe says:

    I have my band too…from a fellow musician great stuff pal

    Liked by 1 person

  17. Ann Brant says:

    I am a cousin of John’s, and I so very much appreciate all of the help you and a myriad of great friends are giving him. I worry about him – we had a fire many years ago (not nearly as bad), and I can say that it is truly a traumatic event. Friends make it so much easier! Thank all of you!

    Liked by 1 person

    • midimike says:

      Hello! I have been a good friend of John’s since the early music store days. I cannot imagine one tragedy like this and how difficult it would be to gain your feet again. Your thoughts are greatly appreciated. Thank you for the comments and your time. We are all glad to help get him through this.


  18. booguloo says:

    A lot of well deserved empathy, sympathy and prayers. I have a pension check on the first. What’s the city and state for Western Union. Also need to know if are you accepting the funds or should I make it out to your friend. In either case what is acceptable so WE can all help.

    Just another,

    Liked by 1 person

  19. unironedman says:

    That’s a real tragedy. As a fireman, I’ve seen this scene too many times, but it never fails to upset deeply all concerned. From the other side, as a musician with treasured instruments, I can’t imagine going through that trauma on top of everything else. Sounds like he has the best of mates.

    Liked by 1 person

    • midimike says:

      I know what you mean. Very good observations and the perspective can be valuable. A ‘perfect storm’ like this has dramatic effects on any one. Thank you for a great post and I appreciate your comments!

      Liked by 1 person

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