
Here is the thing;  IT happens.  LIFE happens.  Doors open.  Doors lock.  Time is too short.  Reinforcements too late.  People are nice.  People are mean.  Nature Is beautiful.  Nature is deadly.  You can look at this post as poetry or preaching.  A waste of time or a gold mine.  These events WILL happen.  They will happen to you.  They will happen to someone you know.  Each will occur during good times and terrible ones.  The optimist and the others have their answers and their advice.  Here is mine; These events will happen – prepare for them.  That means back up plans for the back up plans in some situations but also taking advantage of the opportunity.  I am an opportunist.                  

To follow our past conversation, we all want those that have succeeded to reach out and help struggling artists.  I am suggesting here that we are helped all the time, but too often we are not prepared to actually hear or understand the message.  We need to be prepared and look for the opening door, because it will happen.  It happens all the time. As I read great articles and poems, learn of projects and accomplishments and all the comments from this blogging community I KNOW people are encouraging others all the time.  We share struggles and that helps others prepare, because it will happen.  I just wanted to give you some idea of how impressed I am with so many intelligent and caring people I hear from every day in comments and your posts.  I count my blessings.  Cheers!    

  1. Mike – very well said. Thank you. It’s easy to forget that neither good times OR bad times last forever!

    Congrats on your 100th post!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. kreemer says:

    It happens.
    Big grin, great writing.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Susan Scott says:

    lovely post Mike, thank you…

    Liked by 1 person

  4. A milestone! Congratulations for a job well done. I enjoy reading and listening to your blog.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. niasunset says:

    Congratulations. And happy and enjoyable more on blogging world. Thanks and Love, nia

    Liked by 1 person

  6. This is so true!!! I’ve gone through all the twists and turns in my life coz my life was meant to turn out this way in the end!!! EVERYTHING IS PLANNED!!! And yes, WordPress has given me so much! I’ve learnt a lot about life, people and most importantly, our mind!! I love the way how people encourage each other and hence, persuade each other to do better next time. I’m forever grateful!

    And a huge congrats on your 100th post!! 👏👏👏

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Refreshing to read this honest post. I’ve heard reports of people who have actually become depressed from being on FB because they’re reading the wonderful and exciting posts of others. People usually don’t post the negatives because they don’t want others to see it. There will always be those who talk about us, no matter what is going on. If you give them cake, they’ll want a pie, maybe that’s a bad example, but you know what I mean.
    Thanks for another great post Mike.

    Liked by 1 person

    • midimike says:

      That is a great thought and observation. So many people put up a facade and don’t want everyone to see the reality behind it. I do know what you mean, and thanks for your time and comment!

      Liked by 1 person

      • Reality often transforms us. It can cause us to build walls, whether they are a facade or protective guardians. The mother of invention truly is necessity. Your first paragraph gives wonderful advice: These events will happen – prepare for them. That means back up plans for the back up plans in some situations but also taking advantage of the opportunity. Thumbs up.

        Liked by 1 person

      • midimike says:

        You have great points. Reality is the trigger for evolution. We roll with the punches or we get clobbered. Hope for the best and prepare for the worst is a great strategy! Thank you so much!


  8. Great post indeed! I adore the WordPress community, it is wonderful to connect with so many talented people.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Patrice says:

    Yes! So well said 😀

    Liked by 1 person

  10. DarkStarReviews says:

    Touching and true to boot! Life’s too short to get hung up on trivia. That said, I was never sure that John Lennon was the most appropriate man to lecture others about peace and love lol. I’m quite new to WordPress and its community your blog has reassured me that the comment section doesn’t have to be full of angry people lol. Great post

    Liked by 1 person

    • midimike says:

      Thanks! I agree, there are more important things in life. I was prepared for the worst, but the responses have been very positive and encouraging. I hope you have the same experience! Thanks for the visit and the comments.


  11. matt says:

    Very true, what a great message 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Widow Veil says:

    Indeed there are lots of caring, encouraging folks willing to be genuine/authentic here. I’m glad you’re counting your blessings–as I believe gratitude is crucial everyday (not that I succeed at it daily, but when I put my focus on “thanks” for what I have, almost anything that happens in a day is Better).

    And a side note: after cooking, standing ALL day, I am “toast”! The corn pudding is great, the brownies probably are too–haven’t had a bite yet; and I won’t know about the gumbo till tomorrow–I don’t feel as confident as when I started the project, but could just be fatigue. Hope your day ended well–see you soon!

    Liked by 1 person

    • midimike says:

      You are so right. it is the perspective of distance and/or time that allows us to see the big picture. Only then can we truly appreciate what we have. I trust you will have a great feast and thoroughly enjoy the effort! (My day ended very well, and I truly hope so).

      Liked by 1 person

  13. Temy Hoang says:

    This is really a great message!

    Liked by 1 person

  14. tracihalpin says:

    Excellent post! You are so right; shit happens. Sometimes huge sometimes small. I am 47 and had to get approved for an early retirement. I went from making a nice salary to one third of it, not much trust me. Not sure if I can stay in my place, while waiting. Ex husband is helping me and our daughter. I’m lucky. But now I can’t work and I have to create a new life. I don’t know what that looks like. I’m starting with guitar lessons. And I literally mean I can’t work. I can’t receive my small pension if I was working, no part time nothing. I was a teacher for 19 years. Raising my teenager is a job! My life is not what I want it to be, but I do believe it will get there. I would like it to be tomorrow! Thanks for your post and follow. As my shrink says to me I have to “Deal with it. “

    Liked by 1 person

    • midimike says:

      Thanks! Sometimes we think we are in the position or status we have because we ‘deserve’ it. (implicating others do not deserve it or they deserve their unfortunate status…). There is wisdom in preparing for the worst and hoping for the best! WE can work for it and earn it – but we do not deserve it because of who we are. You will be able to turn your life into something great. Maybe not what you wanted and not how you planned….. You have the right frame of mind and as to your shrink, tell her/him that you do not have to deal with it alone. You have friends and family. I will keep checking on you so hang in there, and good luck with guitar lessons. Good idea.

      Liked by 1 person

      • tracihalpin says:

        Thanks Mike😊

        Liked by 1 person

      • midimike says:

        You are welcome, and no need to thank me for stating the obvious. You have challenges I cannot imagine. As a teacher, you have a head start on your way forward. Have you played guitar before? I might be able to help.


      • tracihalpin says:

        I have not played guitar, unless you count strumming with no rhythm! I’m taking a one to one lesson once a week starting September 12th. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I’ve had that red guitar for 10 years, and always thought it’s too hard blah, blah. Then I took it out of the case and put a pic on my Instagram and now I have all these guitar players following me and wishing me good luck, which is cool. I have it leaning against the wall in my room so I see it every day. I made the call a year ago to inquire about lessons and that was it. Now I’m all signed up. Not sure if the neighbors are going to like it😜

        Liked by 1 person

      • midimike says:

        Very good and good to hear. I will push some info your way. Basic stuff but it should help. There is effort; you need strength. It is hard if you expect to be an expert in two or three months, but you can be playing songs rather quickly. Send your neighbors a pair of earplugs!!

        Liked by 1 person

      • tracihalpin says:

        I will be happy if I can play a cord in 2 weeks. When you say strength, you mean physical strength? I have heard my daughter say how her arm and hands hurt from playing violin for hours. Ok well I’ll increase my weights to 10 instead of 5..lol


      • midimike says:

        I’m trust you will accomplish that goal and more on 2 weeks. Finger strength and dexterity….. not endurance! Don’t play for pain. Don’t just practice as they say; practice perfect.


      • tracihalpin says:

        How should I handle the pain on my fingers, from pushing on strings? My daughter’s skin on her finger tips is hard. One time I tried playing with a DVD years ago and I had indentations and pain on my fingers. I read you should stop and take a break. Thanks for your help.

        Liked by 1 person

      • midimike says:

        This might seem odd so consider the source LOL! What you need are calluses on you done toss so the strings do not cut into your soft finger tips. I used to have cheap bookshelves made of boards and cement blocks….. Whenever I sat on the chair or couch next to the bookshelves I work rub my fingertips on the block. I play different instruments and this was the only way to keep the calluses built up!

        Liked by 1 person

      • tracihalpin says:

        Sounds about right. I’ll file my skin!

        Liked by 1 person

      • midimike says:

        My secret for success!

        Liked by 1 person

  15. rubiredsaid says:

    The feeling is mutual!
    Though I still find I communicate with some people more than others!
    Good write!
    Hope you’re fine!
    Best wishes.

    Liked by 1 person

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