Song in the Making Part IIII – New vocalist

Posted: May 12, 2016 in My Tunes
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As we moved the song “My Heart is Silent” forward, I wanted to give you an update in the process.  New chord structure keeping some of the vibe from the first version and new vocals and you can see how quickly songs can change from the original concept.  The last version had a female vocalist and this time we hear from a friend of Mack.  His name is Carlos and he has a smooth ballad vocal style. Again, this is the first vocal attempt to give us an idea how the song feels with a male vocalist and more of a structured feel to the verses. 

 We decided to go with a spoken intro for the first verse.  I like the way it opens the song and allows us to build the vocals as the song progresses.  Oddly enough, a lot of the lyrics went back to the original as the song structure fit the words a bit easier.  We also considered doing a male-female duet.  No final decision yet and we are still thinking about back-up vocals to enhance some of the lines from each verse to drive the end of the song as it builds up.   

 I added MIDI string parts after the piano intro.  The drum parts and bass guitar are also all MIDI generated coming from the computer.  I added a low-key rhythm guitar part during the chorus and later verses.  Once we have the vocal parts finalized we may add other instruments as the song progresses toward the end.   

 So what do you think?  Male vocalist, female or duet?   

 What other instruments do you ‘hear’ in the final version?  Saxophone?   Brass? Orchestral?  Lead guitar? 

 Do you like the spoken opening verse rather than jumping straight into the melody? 

 Here is the latest rough mix of “My Heart Is Silent”. 

A Song in the Making Part III

A Song in the Making Part II

A Song in the Making

  1. niasunset says:

    I can hear your addition dear Mike, it is rich now. But I would like jumping straight into the melody… Another note, listening to instrumental part (part II) is different touches… I don’t know why I thought like that… music I mean melody is there like as you describes in your comment reply, calmness and peace… But in this one, it turns something different with the words, like a story like a theatre, etc. But I loved them all… Good Luck dear Mike, you really work so nicely. Thanks and Love, nia

    Liked by 1 person

    • midimike says:

      Can you help me by clarifying your suggestion? In this version, would you prefer no musical intro or did you suggest not doing the spoken lyric intro?
      We have bounced this song around a bit and still undecided on which way to take it. Thank you for the comments and advice!

      Liked by 1 person

      • niasunset says:

        Dear Mike, yes not doing the spoken intro, this is my opinion of course. I loved how you expressed your song, ” The strings keep the slow pace as if watching the sun rise. Well, those are my feelings when I listen! “… This is the depth of the melody, I agree with you. It is so beautiful, I hope I explained well myself. You are welcome, Good Luck, Love, nia

        Liked by 1 person

      • midimike says:

        Sorry for the delay but you did great! I understand and thank you for the thoughts and comments. Watching the sunrise is great imagery to describe what I am trying to do with this song and feelings in the lyrics! Thank you!

        Liked by 1 person

    • niasunset says:

      By the way I don’t want you to misunderstand me, lyrics is beautiful too, Actually I loved them all, Love, nia

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  2. Chris White says:

    Personally, I prefer a brief musical introduction as opposed to straight in or spoken. Also I like the female vocal. Why not just do several versions. I love those lyrics. All the best. Kris.

    Liked by 1 person

    • midimike says:

      Good information and very helpful. I am known for doing different versions so that is not unlikely.
      To confirm, you would like more (or less) of a musical introduction in this version?

      Thanks again for the comments and insight! I really like the lyrics as well.


  3. I think it’s great. Thanks for keeping me posted on that one. We just posted something on Soundcloud. Do you have an account? Maybe we can follow each other.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. sdtp33 says:

    Nice melody, listening through my computer speakers which I am sure does not do the recording justice, but the vocal seems a bit buried in the mix…like the piano intro..JIM

    Liked by 1 person

    • midimike says:

      Thank you so much for the feedback – musical pun intended LOL! The vocals are a bit back in the mix and there is no real processing (EQ, compression, pitch correction, etc.) and I just slapped on a little reverb to fill the vocals. We are working tonight to finalize the vocal parts and then I will give it the full treatment and I will be sure to pump up the vocals in the mix!

      Thanks for the comments.


  5. bino32 says:

    It’s a great version. If you keep the spoken intro try the next part with a female vocalist and make it a duet. The whole song reminds me of a piece Elton John might write (though I’m missing the funky glasses in this one :D). However, in the part after the spoken intro you have some open hi-hats that are closed while being played. Together with the vocals they take something away (during that part in general). It might be they’re just too loud but it feels to me like they cut something; like having a pair of scissors passing the microphone time and again (if that makes sense).
    Maybe you can try to put the spoken intro earlier in the song. As I was listening to it, I knew there was something to come but I was getting kind of “impatient”.
    I definitely hear something orchestral in the final version. Maybe something to support the bass as everything else is played in the higher octaves, like some low strings, or even a clarinet. A lead guitar would seem to me to come out of nowhere. I’m really looking forward to the next version :))

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi
      I’m just replying as a stranger and a non-musical person so take it for what you will. My suggestions are: no talking intro, just start singing the song. The talking intro confused me and felt off. I think a duet would be lovely sounding since it’s a love song lyrically. I hear a rhythm guitar added and maybe even some more drumming and keyboards.
      This song is very beautiful. I love the lyrics and it’s really coming to life! Since the song is “my heart is silent” perhaps play w brief pauses in the instruments and sounds here and there? Just a final thought.
      Have fun and I can’t wait to hear how it turns out.

      Liked by 1 person

      • midimike says:

        Actually that is the advice I prefer. I do not write for ‘critical acclaim’ Ha! I am looking for a female vocalist now to see how the duet would work, as that is my preference too!
        I appreciate the comments and will work on more instrumentation now that we have the melody line in place. I did not want to ‘walk over’ the vocal part or interfere with them until they were complete. Now I will try to compliment the vocals. I like the idea of more silence or pauses in the music to reinforce the lyrics. Great idea.
        Much appreciated!

        Liked by 1 person

    • midimike says:

      Good observations as always. I have not focused on the percussion since I put them down as the ‘glorified click track’. I do need to go over them and make sure they enhance the vocals and do not interfere with them. I will do the same thing with the strings and rhythm guitar in the background before the final mix. Clarinet is good pick and reinforcing the low-end is spot on!

      Liked by 1 person

      • bino32 says:

        Glad I could help. And I’m really looking forward to the next version 😉

        Liked by 1 person

      • midimike says:

        Me too. It helps to get additional perspectives, Evan if they confirm original ideas. Now I just need to find a female vocalist to song the duet part. We added stuff tonight and I think everything else is about done……

        Liked by 1 person

      • bino32 says:

        It really helps ’cause sometimes you’re walking on a path without recognizing you’re stuck on it (if that makes sense). Unfortunately I don’t get too much feedback for my songs but that’s another story. Anyways, I hope you’ll find the female vocalist so we can all listen to the song very soon 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

      • midimike says:

        We all fall into a style or a process that works for us and most people have a tendency to stay with what they know, so we follow the path we create. Sometimes for too long LOL! Yes, it makes sense. I also would like more feedback on my projects but quite content with the ‘quality’ even if the quantity is less than I would like. Still looking for the female vocalist but that is another long path!

        Liked by 1 person

      • bino32 says:

        Yes, we do. The thing is we have to pick up new things along the way that might lead us unto new paths. The music of my recent project is similar to the first one but I really wanna try something new after that.
        If you’re content with the quality of the feedback you get then that’s great. I’d like to have more of both. Anyways, I hope you’ll find the vocalist soon 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

      • midimike says:

        That is exactly correct! We need to keep our eyes open on any path we choose. I am guilty of putting aside tools that are available thinking they are not needed only to find later how valuable they are. I also admit that I am greedy, and want more of both!

        Liked by 1 person

      • bino32 says:

        Knowing your guilty is the first step towards change, I guess. As long as you don’t ignore those tools you’re fine. You can still use them later.
        I don’t think it’s greed for feedback. You create something with a talent you got. Even if you do it for yourself in the first place you still want people to know about it and take part in it. It’s only natural that you want to know what people think about your music. You want an outside perspective to get a new insight into what you do. Nothing wrong with that 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

  6. tracihalpin says:

    I love the piano. I say just start singing. Also, not sure if it’s my computer, but the vocals seem back behind the music. My ears are drawn to the music rather than the lyrics, which I can’t always here. But male singer is so much better. Great work!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. tom says:

    Reminds me of Meatloaf’s “I would do anything for that..”

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  8. Been a while since I’ve dropped by, Mike. Any musical expertise I might have is limited to whether or not I like what I am hearing. You do have a good piece here. I do think a female voice making a reply to the male lead followed by a male-female duet near the close might add a little timbre to the message of the song itself. But then, I am more interested to the words than the music, although that piano is very, very nice…:)

    Liked by 1 person

    • midimike says:

      Well thank you! Liking something you hear is the greatest test. I am also in the camp that is looking at the final piece to include a female vocalist in some form of duo vocal role. I think the lyrics lend itself to both versions of the ‘story’. I appreciate the point of view and glad you stopped by!

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  9. dimphokay says:

    i Write songs but the chorus only since i can’t play any instrument i struggle to compose it. you are doing a great job. Hope to get where yo are.

    Liked by 1 person

    • midimike says:

      For most songs the important components are the lyrics and the melody. These are really the only things that you can copyright. So keep writing songs and record just you or someone else singing the melody. (even on a cell phone video if you have limited equipment) There are plenty of musicians out there that will perform great songs! I taught myself how to play any instrument I could get my hands on! Just keep doing what you can and you will do great! Thank you for the visit and for your comment! Best of luck!

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  10. lucywilliamspoetry says:

    Love this version, the male voice sound amazing.

    Liked by 1 person

    • midimike says:

      I am glad to hear that and thank you so much for your comments. I think he did a great job. We are still thinking about getting a female vocalist and try it as a duet, but I agree it sounds complete as is!

      Liked by 1 person

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