Posts Tagged ‘#michaelskennedy’

From the other side of a break-up, nothing seems to make sense. The first question is, ‘why’, but it is only the beginning no matter what the answer was. One day you are thinking you have this life in the bag, but as soon as they leave you, you won’t have time to fasten your seat belt.


Just another day bouncing ideas inside the mind of a person with split personality disorder. Progress by committee.


I stole the main idea from my older brother David. After his 2nd stroke and 3rd seizure, he would often lament on how smart, strong and independent he used to be. He would say he always though he was a man of steel, but he just turned into a bucket of rust. We are all one fall, car accident or stroke away from having our entire lives turned around in a minute. None of us are prepared.


Do you ever feel like you are creating your own problems and challenges? Like things might actually get better if you just stop trying and got out of the way? Now rush a year’s worth of those experiences into one really BAD day.
Often you won’t have a solution or even a clue. To find your way back, it takes two.


While not written from personal experience, the tragic loss and seemingly endless rush of memories becomes contagious. Unfortunately, we feel the duty to carry the burden of pain. We collect our own sadness and take it with us wherever we go. Sometimes, it is more painful to let go.


While not written from personal experience, the tragic loss and seemingly endless rush of memories becomes contagious. Unfortunately, we feel the duty to carry the burden of pain. We collect our own sadness and take it with us wherever we go. Sometimes, it is more painful to let go.


I offered you all I am

As you demanded the bigger half

I tried to keep them together, but cried until I could not laugh.

We own no jewels or treasures

Beyond the memories we made.

Loving life and nature’s pleasures, but soon even those will fade.

Brilliant colors turn to gray

Precious moments gone.

It all grows now in anger, tormenting everyday.

Hard, still to believe

Please and a simple thank you

Became words you could not say, another way to deceive.

I’ve spent half my life

Fixing my mistakes,

And half of it living yours.

Evidently I don’t know

What it really takes

To heal the open sores.

Brilliant colors turn to gray

Precious moments gone.

Now they grow in anger

Tormenting everyday.

What I have left

Is half of nothing.

Neither yours nor mine.

Years of hard work

And nights in disagreement

Didn’t help the bottom line.


This is a small collection of ideas, really. Some phrase or thought that I repeated over and over until I could get to a pen and some paper. (Back in the day!). Some of the verses flow and are just fun to say. Observations and my favorite past-time of stating the obvious are scattered here. No real theme that I can remember. Paying it forward. Waiting for a future song.


Maybe this is a simple celebration of diversity. In all things. I could never understand why the Christian faithful spends so much energy hating the very things their perfect god created. My parents just didn’t let us grow up like that. We never saw differences a threat, but as life from a different point of view and perspective.


As many of you know, I am no longer young. I was born in the early 1950’s, and have seen a number of changes. Don’t worry, I am not going to give you a history lesson (though frankly, for many in the US a history lesson is desperately needed). I try not to get opinionated or political in my posts, but it does happen from time to time.

Back then, we used to aspire to be a doctor, an astronaut, judge or even president. These were honorable positions. I considered running for local office and felt a life of civil service was the best thing I could do for my country. My last name is Kennedy. After they shot President John F Kennedy and then his brother, Bobby Kennedy, I decided to take another path.

Growing up in those times – our political leaders were often looked at as heroes. We have a long history of presidents and elected officials not only solving the crisis or emergencies of the time, but they also guided or encouraged honor, civility, fairness and the American way of life. Through most of my adult political life I considered myself to be an Independent. I would vote for the right person for the job (male, female, any political party, experienced (old) or not) that I thought had good ideas and would be good for the community or the country as a whole.

This is no longer possible.

One of the first threats I saw to democracy was the emergence of what I call ‘single issue politics’. Today – whether it is from the religious-right demanding everyone follow their beliefs, to gun manufacturers’ desire to sell assault weapons designed for war to every teacher, criminal and concerned citizen on the planet as the only solution to ‘keep us safe’, we see the few wanting to RULE the many.

For politicans that are so focused on ONE issue, they will do anything to achieve their goals; lie, cheat, manipulate the truth – whatever it takes. Ironically, the religious forces consider this to be the ‘crusade of their time’ and feel justified to break all the rules they say they live by to acheive their higher purpose. They have little concern about any of the important issues like the environment, education, international relationships, healthcare and the list goes on.

Many threats facing this county we cannot even see. We have gone beyond the ‘fake news’ of the last decade to a total collapse of truth from our leaders and politicians. Rationalizing that all politicians ‘spin’ their side of the issue, today they justify putting their ‘spin on steroids’ and have no problem directly lying about anything to fit their goals. Even when they know the facts and everyone else can verify their story is not true at all they just double or triple-down and shout at anyone that does not agree.

I want to start a citizen movement that I call the “We Told You So” campaign.

I am older now and thrilled to have gained a small following of great bloggers over the last few years, but this post will not go viral. My ideas are big, but my voice is small. You might feel the same way, even if you have a much larger audience. We often feel separated or unconnected from others, wondering if we are the only ones concerned about a particular issue.

The idea behind the “We Told You So” campaign is to highlight serious examples of these political lies. There is no other way to say it. They are not simply wrong or misspoken – they outright lie to the American public for media generated revenue or political points.

    Topics – Headlines:

Man-made climate change and global warming
For the last 50 years we’ve heard the warnings ridiculed by climate deniers, but now it is undeniable.

Cannabis safety and legality
The original weaponization of the justice department. (Marijuana connection to racial history. Then it was used against Viet Nam anti-war protestors. Criminal record – can’t vote!

Abortion, IVF and contraceptives
The real threat from single-issue politicians. Only one thing matters and all is ‘fair’ in war.

Subsidizing the fossil fuel industry
The oil and gas industry has known for decades they are destroying the planet but continue crushing green efforts and renewable energy options.

2020 was the fairest, freest and most secure election. No major fraud.
No matter how many times five people say it was rigged. Trump just lost.

Voter restriction and gerrymandering
If you can’t win on your ideas, cheat! I propose we use boundaries already established – Zip Codes!

M&Ms are not gay
But your sports buddy or your older brother might be.

Gas stoves the ‘government wants to take away’
I don’t remember people complaining when they replaced coal home-heating. But the coal and delivery industries did.

Trickle-Down Economics
How the rich get richer. You are voting to give the wealthy an advantage over workers, military and the disabled.

Slavery was not the reason for the Civil War
Read confederate state constitutions from the time. They come right out and say it.

The border is an urgent crisis that needs to be solved now!
Until Trump decides it is better to keep a ‘win’ away from Biden and then use it to blame Democrats for the border crisis through the 2024 campaign.

Corporate welfare’s true cost
Tax loop holes that big corporations lobbied with millions of dollars to reduce their tax liability to $0.00….. Then they pay workers less than a living wage and the tax-payers foot the bill when that paycheck is not enough for emergencies. And society blames the workers!

Covid 19 and vaccines
Millions died, but far too many were from states with anti-vaccination pushes from those claiming restrictions required by a pandemic were nothing more than a violation of their rights.

If you know someone that does not vote often or not at all, or someone that seems to be confused by all the conflicting hype I suggest the following; pick a few of the topics above and say, “What do the following things have in common?”

The answer is too many of our elected officials have lied to get your vote or trick you in to supporting unpopular laws. Why keep voting for anyone if they lie to you about very important (and often very emotional) issues?

Join Democrats, Independents and what’s left of the Republican Party we knew to defend democracy, and continue Biden’s bipartisan success for the next four years by giving him a large enough majority so we can replace the single-issue and media grabbing politicians to get things done.