Death is nothing new.  My father died of cancer when I was – well, to be honest, I do not really know. mid-twenties? early thirties?  How can a person be talented enough to write beautiful music and still be so lame when it comes to anything important?  I am not sure, but my family has had to deal with me for a long time.  My parents were divorced for years and I did not know him that well.  At the same time, I felt like I had known him forever.  He was never there through the most difficult times In my life and yet at the same time he never left.  Reading about loss of a loved one on other blogs it is clear many people do not feel that way.  The loss is real, it is crippling, it never ends and there is no comfort for the emptiness, no magic words.

I KNOW that wasteland.  Years later my younger sister died from a freak drowning accident.  I was prepared for the death of my dad (and grandparents, friends and distant family members before him).  I shared his love of life and his regrets during that brief time.   For my sister I had no defense.  I did not dwell on death, but if I considered it, it was almost a guarantee she would outlive me.  Surrounded by close family and friends I just started crying.  Talking, greeting, consoling, hugging, but through it all I cried.  I could not share her love of life or future dreams.  I could not speak to her of death; she was gone.  I thought we had so much more time left.  For days if I saw her picture or heard her name; I cried. Even this far forward I had to mentally prepare to write this intro.

Not long ago, my younger brother had to pay his pleasure tax.  Years of drinking and smoking caught up  and throat cancer started eating away at him.  The funniest and kindest guy you would ever know, he did not want to burden anyone with his problems.  I did the best I could to let him know he was not alone and did not have to go through that by himself.  We spent a lot of time together in those last few months.  As his medical power of attorney, I followed his direction.  I understood his desires and knew his demons.  Some things are still too painful to think about so I don’t.  But I do remember what a great human being he was.  We cried many times together and apart.  These days I smile thinking about him, and how great humanity can be.

Love is another type of loss but for all my education and experience over the years I could not tell you which loss is more devastating.  Family you live with and know all the cool things you learned and shared together.  A loved one you will never be able to learn and share future things with.  Loss of the past or loss of the future.  The wasteland seems to keep spreading out forever.  You will never get through it and nothing can replace it.

In the middle of the wasteland jumping all the way up to the moon seems more likely than getting through to the other side.  But it is the sense of loss that keeps us there.   My father is still with me, telling me “remember the past, but look forward, son.   Don’t blind yourself to the path out, seek it”. Hopefully, you will see that your loved ones are still with you.

This is a fairly recent song.  I happened to be going through my files to build a catalog of songs I have, songs in the works and ones I have co-written for a project.  Looking through papers here and there, rifling through files saved from one form of media to another, I found a set of lyrics entitled “Lost Love”.  I looked at it for a while and started reading the lyrics.  I did not recognize any of it, but it was my handwriting and as you will soon see, it is very personal.  I read them and thought,   I need to do something with this.

I have instruments in almost every room in my house.  A week earlier I had been playing a chord progression that was simple but captured a certain feeling or mood that I liked.  I ran upstairs and got the lyrics I mentioned.  I played the guitar with the lyrics in front of me and started to sound out where the lyrics fit in the progression.

Thinking the music and lyrics fell together beautifully, I went to my studio to lay down a rough version of the song.  I used one microphone and recorded the guitar and melody line.   This is “Lost Love“.

  1. Kat says:

    Thanks for sharing. This was beautiful (the post AND the music).

    Liked by 1 person

    • midimike says:

      Sometimes it is difficult to share very personal thoughts or feelings, but once done it feels so good to open things up and share. I appreciate your thoughts. I am glad you liked it. Thank you very much for your comments!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. chevvy8 says:

    Beautiful and very touching writing and music Mike. Thank you. Chevvy

    Liked by 1 person

  3. murrsma says:

    ” Don’t bind yourself to the path it” ..your work is beautiful, truly

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Lisa says:

    Thank You!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. David Kennedy says:

    I share your pain. Sometimes that’s all there is to say.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. brianbalke says:

    So beautiful. In a mystical sense (as I understand it), death divides us from the people that share the journey with us, but love pierces that veil. When those we love leave us here, they can either guide us, or shift onto us the burden of their unfinished work. May peace, strength and hope fill you, my friend.

    Liked by 1 person

    • midimike says:

      That is a great attitude and philosophy to live by. Great way of looking at the relationship after life! I appreciate your thoughts and time. Many thanks!


  7. Jamie Dedes says:

    Beautifully captured the emotions around death and dying. The losses never end. One of life’s lessons, I guess.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. richardlowellbryant says:

    Mike, wonderful reflections. I enjoyed the song.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Patrice says:

    Beautiful ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Snowescape15 says:

    You are very talented musically and in your writing. It is nice to see blogs about meaningful topics.

    Liked by 1 person

    • midimike says:

      Thank you, that is most kind of you. I agree. I have been fascinated by the amount of talent in this community. There is more to life than watching movie stars and sports giants’ drama! I am glad you stopped by and grateful for your time here.

      Liked by 1 person

  11. Nadine says:

    Simply beautiful, it hits our heart like a missile.

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Nicole says:

    Lovely post. It really tugs at the heartstrings. Thank you for sharing something so personal with us.

    Liked by 1 person

    • midimike says:

      I appreciate your comments. I hesitated posting for a while, as it is a painful subject still. I find this community of people to be an amazing group. As I am sharing the good things it makes sense to also include some memories and experiences that are not. You are very welcome, but thanks to you as well.


  13. Tom Robinson says:

    MSK – “Lost Love” is a heart-breaking story. That is your song.

    Liked by 1 person

  14. thefeatheredsleep says:

    I love this. Thank u so much for writing this

    Liked by 1 person

    • midimike says:

      That is really nice of you to say. It seems we all have to deal with this in our own way, but I hope if the subject is more open it will be less painful that if alone. You are very welcome and again, your thoughts are greatly appreciated!

      Liked by 1 person